The Floosh Story

“I hate portable toilets — why can’t they make a nice one with a flushing toilet?”

It was the Summer of 2014. A friend, having just returned from an outdoor concert, expressed this universal sentiment about “portable sanitation”.

The engineer and inventor in me developed an unlikely passion for solving the problem.

Nothing in my history suggested I would spend three years and tens of thousands of dollars developing a portable toilet that people actually loved!

Starting from scratch — so many questions and challenges. How big should it be, where is the water stored, where does the waste go, what is it made of, how do you light it, ventilate it — how do you transport it, will people pay extra for it … and a hundred other “details” that had to be addressed and perfected before introduction to the public.

After incremental successes, monumental fails, and six prototypes, you see the result before you. I am extremely grateful that you are interested enough to read this! I am also extremely grateful for all the help and inspiration along the way.

Mark Townes
Founder and CEO
Floosh, Inc.